Bethel Life
Snapshot of How We Do Church Together

What A Sunday Service Might Look Like
We are a multi-cultural group of people, with a diversity of ethnicities rep represented. We enjoy a freedom and fluidity in our times together.

There is no particular way to dress, just come in whatever you are comfortable wearing.

There is a rich diversity of people within the church.

We have good representation across all the generations.

Pastor Ian brings the message most Sunday mornings.

HRH Queen Elizabeth gave a surprise to some of our youth when she called in during her Platinum jubilee celebrations.

Picnic In The Park
A family day out together, enjoying a picnic in one of our local parks.

A Prom Praise Evening
An evening of food and fun watching Prom Praise on a livestream. (Evening dress optional)

Plenty of food and drink for the evenings entertainment.

Community Afternoon Tea

There's always a friendly welcome waiting.

Seems we do a lot around food...

Sunday Lunches Together
Every few months we stay and enjoy a lunch together after the morning service.

Small Groups
Here are some of the faces from one of our small groups that meet weekly.

Christmas Time At Bethel
We make Christmas a special occasion for everyone.

Child Dedication
One of our baby dedications giving thanks to God and a church family celebration afterwards.