Are you looking to serve in God’s kingdom?
We offer opportunities below for those that are regular attendees within our assembly to be aware of opportunities to serve in the church. We want to encourage everyone seeking an opportunity to register their interest for it to be considered by leadership & ministry leaders.
Ministry Opportunities
Please read through the various ministries requiring volunteers and a summary of role.
X-Stream Tots needs 4x adults to come on a rotation basis. Male & Female (Subject to DBS check)
Team need to be available on Sunday mornings between 10.15 – 12.45pm.
Duties could include setting up green room ready for the session, alternating between helping with crafts and serving refreshments.
We require 1-2x adults who would be prepared to tell the story to the children on rotation. The volunteers for teaching would be expected to be members of the church.
Each member of the team would be required to tidy everything away at the end of the session. For more information, speak to Esther Gorvett.
X-Stream Kids need 1x adult to come on a rotation basis. Male & Female (Subject to DBS check)
Team need to be available on Sunday mornings between 10.15 – 12.45pm..
The role involves preparing and teaching the lesson, games, refreshments, crafts, welcome/worship, setting up and tidying the room.
We would welcome someone who wanted to start in the role to do the refreshments or maybe crafts and as they gain experience in the team they would take on other some of the other aspects of the role (teaching). The volunteers for teaching would be expected to be members of the church. For more information, speak to Jill Anderson.
X-Stream Youth need 1-2x adults to come on a rotation basis. Male & Female (Subject to DBS check)
Team need to be available on Friday evenings between 6:45 – 9.15pm and/or Sunday 10:15-12:45.
We want to provide our young people with a safe place to come and meet, chat and not be afraid to ask questions.
The role involves working on rota preparing and teaching the lesson, games, refreshments, welcome/worship, setting up and tidying the room.
We would welcome someone who wanted to start in the role to do the refreshments/games and as they gain experience in the team they would take on other some of the other aspects of the role (teaching). The volunteers for teaching would be expected to be members of the church.
For more information, speak to Marie Richards or Sarah Lucas
We have many exciting roles in our Media team…
We are looking for up to 3x Camera Operators to join our livestream team. Male & Female volunteers.
We are looking for up to 3x Computer Operators to join our tech team for lyric and media display. Male & Female volunteers.
We are looking for up to 2x Sound Operator to join our team for sound control in house. Male & Female volunteers.
We are looking for up to 2x Livestream Producer Operators to join our livestream team. Male & Female volunteers.
The role vary in technical difficulty and some may require previous experience (sound operators).
All volunteers would be positioned on a rotational basis. For more information speak to Adrian Davies.
We are looking for up to 6x Stewards to join our team. Male & Female volunteers.
The role entails welcoming and greeting attendees to Church, delivering the Communion and Offering taken in a service. The volunteers would be positioned on a rotational basis.
For more information, please speak to Tom Webb or Pastor Ian
Market Café aim is to have a once weekly café in the Green Room. Day and time to be confirmed. The café would need a team of 3-4x people each week.
Menu would include light snacks: e.g. toasties, beans on toast.
The role entails team member to help setting up, taking food orders, clean up and clearing away after the café closes for the day.
Health & hygiene training will be needed and arranged.
Please speak to Judith Morgan for more information.
Do you have an interest in leading Alpha?
This role would require you to utilise the church or open up your home in hospitality to host a few church attendees and guests to receive teaching from the Alpha resources which would need to be prepared beforehand. Sessions are delivered in line with the Alpha resource.
Do you have an interest in leading a home group?
This role would require you to open up your home in hospitality to host a few church attendees and guests to recieve teaching which would need to be prepared beforehand. Material is delivered simultaneously with other home groups.
Do you have a heart for Worship? You may have a gifting (singing or playing an instrument) that you want to serve in Church. Male & Female.
The role requires Holy Spirit filled people, living a Godly lifestyle, who can commit to a weekly Worship practise as well as serving on a weekly Sunday service.
Please register your interest and/or speak to Adrian Davies & Becky Tucker for more informative discussion.
I’m Stepping Up
Please complete the form registering your interest for one of the posts above.
Ministry Volunteer Form