Committed – The Marks of Living A Life of Commitment As A Student of Jesus
Neath Elim   -  

Pastor Ian starts a new series ‘Committed’. Reading from Psalms 37:1-9.

Our commitment goes far deeper than anything we could wear on the outside (t-shirt, lapel).

What defines us as Christian’s, is what is inside of us.

We can fall short by pursuing Godly things (that seem right), rather actually pursuing God himself.

We can commit to live by standards and morals, but we might not be as committed to God.

It delights God when we commit ourselves to him. We do it, not for ourselves to feel good. We do it because we want live a life that is obedient to him.

We often make a commitment to not be obedient, we choose to do our thing. It corrupts our soul.

We need to put things in place to help us do the right things, it’s not good enough not to just avoid doing the wrong thing.

We pray that you will be guided by God’s spirit to respond to him and live that committed life.