Inspiration Meeting 271024 – Testimony of Jesus Through Signs & Wonders

The Previous week’s message from Lloyd, we considered the human testimony recorded in John’s gospel. By John the Baptist, the early disciples and others who believed. But also the testimony by the masses, including many who did not believe.

Of course human testimony alone does not prove Jesus to be the Son of God. Jesus Himself did not depend upon human testimony alone as evidence John 5:33-37

Whilst Jesus recognised human testimony, such as that offered by John the Baptist He none the less appealed to a ‘greater witness’, that of His Father’s testimony.

Jesus encouraged people to consider the Father’s testimony as evidenced by the works which He did.

The Purpose of Signs

Definition of the Gk word ‘Sign’ as used by John in his gospel

What were these ‘signs’ to which the Father bore testimony concerning Jesus? John says there were many John 20:30, too many to record them all John 21:25. In his gospel, John records at least seven.