Psalm 46
Ian Anderson   -  

Right at the heart of our Bible is a book of hymns called Psalms. These writings have been sung and prayed by Jesus Himself and all of his followers since the beginning, to express and encourage genuine faith. Yes, they instruct our thinking and actions but the Psalms are more than that — they help us to feel honestly.

It’s the book we turn to most often when we need to know the security of God in troubled times There are Psalms of grief, of exuberant joy and deep sorrow. We’ll also find peace, comfort, frustration, despair and hope.

In the psalms is a collection of writings written without any spin on life. It’s not people living their best ‘Facebook life’, it’s written by those who have come to realise that they and we, can be real in God’s presence.

No matter where we find ourselves in life, the Psalms have something for our emotional playlist.

Read: Psalm 46

Here is a picture of God’s presence in the presence of trouble. When we are in trouble and need assurance this is where most of us go. Many psalms start with a problem or complaint but this one starts with God. God is the first word written. Only 5-6 of the 150 Psalms start with the name God or Lord

v.1 The psalmist speaks of God’s presence of Him being our refuge (A place of Shelter), safety (A Place of Security), and protection (A place of Strength). And that’s where we can start, too, when trouble rises today. We start with God and His strength.

When we talk about an almighty God being strong, we are talking about a strength that must be stronger than the trouble at hand.

It’s the strength that took Jesus through His trouble, not around it. ‘even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…’ Psalm 23:4 God’s strength pulled Jesus from the grave and set to shame all the rulers, powers, principalities and authorities set up against Him. That strength is present in whatever trouble has found us. In whatever deep waves, He is with us as a refuge, strength and ‘very present help 1

‘Very present help‘ can also be translated as ‘well proved’

His love is stronger than our feelings of rejection.

His delight over us is stronger than our depression and anxiety.

His grace is stronger than our most inadequate place.

His faithfulness is stronger than your biggest fears.

His purposes for us is stronger than our worst nightmare.

His hope is stronger than our weakest moment.

What is troubling you today? Come under the protection and refuge of our God. We are safe and secure in Him. He brings peace that goes beyond worldly understanding, and all wisdom and knowledge are His. Run to Him today. Only in Jesus is there true Shelter, Safety and Strength.

Jesus knew trouble. He was rejected and abandoned by his closest companions. He was betrayed and beaten. And in His troubles here on earth, He practiced going to His Father and pouring out his soul to Him. Even the night before He died, He was ‘sorrowful and troubled,’ anticipating the worst possible outcome.

Matthew 26:36-39 Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and He said to His disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray.” And taking with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then He said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.” And going a little farther He fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

Jesus took His troubles, fears and pain to His Father. He asked three times if He could pass on the cross before Him. The Father’s response was there is no other way but through.

Often our troubles are a result of our poor choices or actions and then we want God to bail us out. But He says we are not going to get around but we will get through.

Have you been there? With no way out of your trouble but through whatever the consequence?

You are not alone. Jesus also had to walk through terrible trouble to get to a beautiful resurrection. We are in good company. We are loved.

We can follow Jesus into God the Father’s strong arms.

The one who brings resurrections after deep trouble. The Father was Jesus’ help and strength in trouble and He is ours too.

Knowing all this leads us to truth of v. 10-11