Saved Through Faith Alone By Christ Alone
Dave Lucas shares the word entitled ‘Saved Through Faith Alone Through Christ Alone’.
Romans 5:1-11
In the previous chapter to our reading, Paul talks about Abraham; even though did not know how God was going to save him, yet Abraham had faith that God would provide. This faith, a gift from God, was accredited to him as righteousness.
We too, are given a gift of faith to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We know of the cross, we know of Jesus’ death and resurrection, will we believe?
Paul also reminds us of our sufferings, that they have a purpose, producing something in us to the glory of God. Our suffering produces endurance to run the race, which produces Godly character traits, this in turn produces hope in God’s faithful promises.
Whatever you are going through, may you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and trust that God is working something in you to produce good things for His glory.