The Transforming Power of Humility 180224
Ian Anderson   -

Key Text: John 13:1-20

The narrative of John 13:1-20, unveils the profound depths of Jesus’ heart and shows us the transformative power of Holy Spirit enabled humility. In these verses Jesus, fully aware of His impending betrayal by Judas and the weight of the cross, took a basin and began to wash the feet of His disciples.

Jesus knew who He was, He knew the authority that was His and He knew where He was going. In fact we’re told twice in these first four verses 1 & 3 that He was going back to God the Father.

This act of humble service was more than a mere demonstration of love; it was a profound lesson in the transformative power of selfless humility.

Jesus removes His outer garments v.4 symbolic of stripping away every vestige of pretence, every suggestion of position, every barrier. he shows us that which was hidden is now revealed (Part of the Communion meal)

Question: When we serve others do we come with everything stripped away or do we still wear the outer garment of who we want people to believe that we are?

Garments of intellect, finance, position, self-confidence, ability, qualification, insecurity, recognition

In a state of complete vulnerability and nakedness, Jesus goes to wash His disciple’s feet. This was not unusual because as was customary, there would already have been a bowl of water in the room for that very purpose. v.6 He comes to Simon Peter, the rock. The one who had made the profound declaration when Jesus had earlier asked ‘Who do people say I am’ then the personal question ‘Who do you say I am?’

When everyone else was saying John the Baptist or Elijah. Peter paves the way for us to follow by declaring ‘You Are the Christ.’ Jesus comes to that Peter and he says ‘No, you will never wash my feet.’

Jesus says to him ‘What I am doing you do not understand now but afterwards you will understand.’

What was there to understand and what was the afterwards Jesus was referencing? Peter failed to recognise that in the same way it was the humiliation of Jesus that would wash him now. It would be the same humiliation of Jesus on a cross, that would eventually save him and everyone else. It would be the blood of Jesus poured out on the cross that would bring a once for all cleansing from sin. The blood of Jesus has the power to atone for an infinite number of sins committed by an infinite number of people throughout the ages, and all whose faith rests in the efficacy of the blood will be saved.

The Pentecostal distinctive, recognises the reality of Holy Spirit working in our lives, transforming us from the inside out. Through the Pentecostal lens, we understand that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is the Spirit that empowers us to live lives marked by selfless service and sacrificial love.

This act of foot-washing symbolises the deeper spiritual cleansing of Holy Spirit working in us, cleansing us from the stains of sin and renewing our hearts and minds. Just as Jesus washed away the dirt from the disciples’ feet, the Spirit cleanses our souls, making us vessels fit for the service of the Kingdom.

Easter is not just an historical event but a living reality that continues to shape our spiritual walk. The humility of Jesus, washing the feet of His disciples, sets a course for us too, to walk in humility of heart.

Servanthood in the Spirit: In the Pentecostal tradition, we believe in the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, we are called to serve one another with a humble heart, guided by the Spirit’s leading. The Holy Spirit empowers us to love sacrificially, breaking down barriers and fostering unity within the body of Christ.

Love that Transcends Betrayal: Jesus washed the feet of Judas Iscariot, the one who would betray Him. This powerful act of love transcends betrayal, teaching us to love even in the face of betrayal and disappointment. Holy Spirit enables us to love with a divine love that goes beyond human understanding, forgiving as we have been forgiven.

This Easter, let us continue to reflect on the profound message of humility and love found in John 13:1-20.

May the transformative power of Holy Spirit empower us to serve one another with humility, love unconditionally and experience the cleansing and renewing work of God in our lives.

May the joy of the resurrection fill your hearts and homes this Easter season, as we continue to live out the call to love, serve, and be transformed by the Spirit.