Unity Of The Spirit
Dave Lucas shares a word this Pentecost Sunday titled ‘Unity Of The Spirit’.
Reading from Acts 2:1-13.
Pentecost was and is a harvest festival. God was using a physical harvest to bring in a spiritual harvest through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
When the Holy Spirit came, each of the Apostles spoke in tongues. People from all the known world were gathered for the festival, and each heard in their own language. Through the Holy Spirit, there was unity, and the evidence was through language.
In the Old Testament, there was a division; the evidence of which was different languages. In Genesis 11, at the Tower of Babel, God gave different languages to ensure that people spread throughout the world, fulfilling Genesis 1:28.
At Pentecost, God was using the languages of the world to unify people together.
Two groups of people were present: the first were those who wanted to know what this means for them. The second mocked, believing they were drunk.
In Acts 2:37-41, after a sermon from Peter, the crowd recognise who Jesus is, the Messiah, and want to know what to do. Peter makes it clear: repent and believe the gospel, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit, in power, is available for all who believe in Jesus, including today.
Will you accept Jesus as your Saviour and receive the Holy Spirit?