Elim Leaders Summit

June 23 - 24, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm 2021  |  Online

Bethel Elim Church, Briton Ferry Road, Neath, UK

In every season, the Holy Spirit is moving to awaken, empower and release us into the unstoppable mission of Christ.

To every neighbourhood and nation, every community and culture, God who changes times and seasons calls us to fresh adventures of mission.

United together, we seek to inspire and equip mission hearted leaders, who help make disciples, that in unified purpose grow churches, and together reach nations across the world.

Will you join us for the Elim Leaders Summit Online? Watch live and on-demand for one month.

This Summit provides a unique opportunity to encourage and inspire church leadership teams, equipping them for greater effectiveness in our united purpose.

We gather together for a few days to encounter God and commission leaders to bring transformation to the church, workplace and communities in this generation.

Whether you are a full-time or volunteer leader, are part of an Elim church or another church stream, the Elim Leaders Summit seeks to provide you with practical, equipping resources that help to sharpen your ministry.

Book using the button below.