The Overcomer
Pastor Ian shares a message entitled ‘The Overcomer’. Text: John 16:25-33
When Jesus spoke to us, He proved Himself to be the greatest communicator the world has ever known.
Jesus Himself said that if you have seen me, you have seen the Father because He and I are one. So if God is not a God of confusion, neither is Jesus. I will tell you plainly about the Father. v.25
v.30 The disciples make a statement that we can hang our spiritual hats on ‘Now we know that you know all things…
In these days of uncertainty, we need to know that there is someone that we can go to, who will calm the troubled heart and mind. There are three things that we need to grasp about our God.
He is All knowing (Omniscient) – If he were not we couldn’t look to Him for a way through this pandemic. He would be floundering like everyone and everything else. But He was not caught out by all this and He continues to work His great plan of salvation in the hearts of men and women.
He is All loving – If He were not all loving, then He would leave us to our own devices and our own fates. If He were not all loving He would not have offered us a way to become friends with Him through His son Jesus.
He is All powerful (Omnipotent) – If He were not then there would be no point asking Him to intervene in our prayers. If He were not all powerful Jesus could not make the statement with any authority ‘Take heart, I have overcome the world.’
In this extraordinary time, know that Jesus is the ultimate overcomer. He has overcome everything that the world and life will bring against us.